Baltijas Frisbija līga norisināsies 3 posmos.
15.decembrī, Ogrē
11.janvārī, Ogrē
12.janvārī, Ogrē.

Vīriešu divīzijā startēs 10 komandas


Sieviešu divīzijā startēs 7 komandas



This document shows the changes to the WFDF outdoor rules that EUF will use for the indoor championships. Appendix for Baltic Ultimate indoor frisbee league.

  1. The playing field is 40 to 20 metres.
  • The field length can vary from 36 to 44 metres, the width can vary from 18 to 22 metres.
  • End zones of 6 metres.
  • The brick mark is at 14 metres, 8 metres in front of the end zone.
  • Games are to 13 goals.
  • There’s a half-time of switching sides when one team reaches 7 goals. There is no break for halftime.
  • Soft time cap after 30 minutes. A buzzer/horn will sound.
  • Finish the point when the buzzer/horn sounds. If at the end of that point the difference in score of both teams is 3 or less, add 1 to the highest score and play to that new hard cap. Otherwise the game is over.
    2. The maximum roster size is 16 players, the minimum roster size is 6 players. Each team will put 5 players on the field during each point.

    3. The pull should reach the receiving end zone at any catchable height and should normally be caught, rather than waste a lot of valuable playing time fetching it.

  • A valid pull is a throw-off that passes through any part of a 2 metres-high box bounded by the front, back and side lines of the receiving teams’ end zone, without first contacting the ground or any out-of-bounds object. A pull is also automatically valid if it is touched in flight by a member of the receiving team before it contacts the ground or an out-of-bounds object.
  • All other pulls are invalid and may be bricked. But the receiving team can also decide to stop the disc and start play immediately.
  • Sliding pull. If a pull touches the floor for the first time in the end zone and then slides out, it’s a valid pull. If it lands before the end zone and slides out of the end zone it’s an invalid pull and may be bricked. But the receiving team can also decide to stop the disc and start play immediately.
  • Roller pull. If a roller pull lands in the end zone and then rolls out, it’s a valid pull. If it lands before the end zone and then rolls on, it’s an invalid pull and may be bricked. But the receiving team can also decide to stop the disc and start play immediately
  • If a valid pull goes through the end zone without being caught, then the receiving team should bring the disc in play from the point at the perimeter line where it went out.
  • If a brick call by the receiving team is contested by the defence, then the receiving team should bring the disc in play at the centre of the goal line.
  • If a valid pull is contested by the offence, then the receiving team should bring the disc in play at the centre of the goal line.
  • A dropped pull does not result in a turnover as long as it was an attempt at a catch. After a dropped pull the player who dropped the pull should bring the disc into play at the spot where the disc stops.
  • A deliberate mac of the disc instead of catching it, is a turnover.

    4. Time between points.
  • Offence has maximum 30 seconds to signal readiness for the pull by raising an arm. If the offence is not ready after 40 seconds, the defence may pull.
  • Defence has a maximum of 35 seconds to pull. If the defence has not pulled in time, the offence may claim an automatic brick.

    5. The stall count is 8.

  • An uncontested breach by the defence is maximum 1.
  • An uncontested breach by the offence is maximum 7.
  • A contested stall-out comes in on 6.
  • After all other calls, maximum 5.

    6. Walls and ceilings

  • A disc touching the wall is out-of-bounds. Play resumes where the disc left the playing field.
  • When the disc is out-of-bounds, the player that resumes play can set his pivot foot 1 metre inside the playing field.
  • A disc touching the ceiling is out-of-bounds. If the spot where the ceiling is touched is above the field, play resumes right underneath that spot on the playing field, or from where it left the playing field.

    7. Every team has 1 timeout of 1 minute. It can only be taken after a goal and before the following pull.

  • If a player takes a timeout during play, then play stops and continues with stall + 2.
  • No timeout can start after of the official game time is over.

WFDF Rules of Ultimate 2021-2024 (1)

BUC 2024_2025 – grafiks (1)


01. janvāris

15. decembris

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Ogres novada sporta centrs



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Ogres novada sporta centrs



Ogres novada sporta centrs



Ogres novada sporta centrs



Ogres novada sporta centrs


01. janvāris

15. decembris

Ogres novada sporta centrs
